Monday, 30 March 2009


這次是我第一次用中文來打blog, 漸漸覺得自己的英文真的越來越退步了… 而且上個禮拜是我們考試的時期,想到當時真的是有點辛苦呢, 由於我們一天就有考五科那麽多, 所以不K書的話當然是不行咯!!! 考兩天, 就是四點多就起來了, 讀了后就直接準備去考試了… 真要我的命… 不過現在都已經是 Past Tense 了, 不要說了吧...說點開心的吧!! 上個星期六, 我們班參加了一個臺灣僑生的聯誼會, 名為南區僑生春節聯誼會, 地點是在嘉義大學, 來了臺灣那麽久,終于有機會進一進臺灣大學的門口了…我們當天早上很早就起床了, 大概六點吧, 然後六點五十就離開了… 講真的, 當時還沒睡醒, 所以還沒有開心或者緊張的心情吧… 大家在去的路程時都是比較安靜的, 可能和我一樣吧, 沒睡醒^^
嘉義大位于阿里山附近, 所以那個地方還有點三八的, ,在山上的吧, (如果沒有記錯的話)哈哈, 我們九點就到那裏了,可以算是第一閒到那裏的學校吧, 出來接我們的人是說廣東話的, 讓我們嚇了一跳, 結果在追問之下, 在知道原來他們也是來自澳門的僑生, 男的帥, 女的也漂亮… 然後就有一些表演, 不過還蠻無聊的, 所以就和我的’姐妹們’拍起照來咯… 很久沒有和他們合照了, 最後一次合照時是在去年的時候, 沒想到時間過得真快… 拍了后又再回去看以前和他們一起拍的照片, 好像我們都沒什麽變化呢, 是好還是坏呢?

我和勇With '姐妹們'
我們先進去他們的講堂, 也算蠻大的哦, 應該可以容納600 – 800 個人吧, 時間越來越靠近開幕的時間了, 越來越多的大學生也漸漸到達了, 其中有嘉義大學, 成功大學, 中正大學, 中山大學, 師範大學 等等… 開幕就和以往一樣, 先由大人物致詞, 然後有由嘉大, 成大, 和中正大所準備的表演…他們的表演還不錯, 蠻好看的, 最好看的就是由嘉義大呈現的火舞, 其實不是用真的火啦, 只是把熒光棒綁在繩子的兩端, 然後用來甩, 真的很帥, 那個表演是在黑暗中進行的, 效果很好, 看得很多人都歡呼呢… 可惜拍不到照, 因爲太暗了, 連我老師的 Nikon SLR 都拍不到呢…
我和妹 Blur*2 ....
成功大學熱舞 中正大學表演扇子舞
吃了午飯后, 我們被允許在校園裏逛, 不過我們都不敢跑太遠, 因爲完全都不認識路, 也大得要命, 所以就去了餐廳附近的一個小湖參觀, 那裏有一些鵝, 鴨, 還有很多大大條的鯉魚,幸運的話還能看到烏龜呢!! 我看到我的朋友去喂那些鵝吃飼料, 當然我也參一腳啦, 一包飼料才10 元, 我覺得價錢還合理, 所以我就買了三包來玩, 感覺還不錯啦, 那幾只鵝在吃飼料時弄得我的手都癢癢的…

養!! ^^
我和妹 take 2
下午就參觀在學校附近的蘭潭湖參觀, 在去的途中, 和那幾位澳門的僑生聊了一下,原來他們也是大一而已,而且也是來了臺灣才學華文的,他們的腔也是怪怪的... 山路走了一段距離后,就到了我們的目的地,原來們只是到蘭潭,看湖的風景,和吃冰淇淋...真的是給他們炸到... @.@ 也有遇到幾個馬來西亞的人,不過大多數都是來自柔佛的,阿不然就是KL的,能用馬來西亞腔和他們説話,真的有點開心呢,而我的越南朋友聽到我們的對話,就告訴我說他們聼不懂,因爲我們講得太快了..我們在那裏逗留了大概半個小時吧,然就回去講堂了,因爲接下來又最後的重頭戲,那就是摸彩...

摸彩的獎品還蠻多的呢,全部都是有去這個聯誼會的所有學校所贊助的,也有由教育部和僑委會所贊助的,不過教育部和僑委會所贊助的禮物還蠻豐富的呢,差不多快兩万元了...摸彩的時候,每個人當然希望自己有份啦...不過我卻沒有那麽大的期望,因爲我從來都不會那麽幸運,所以我就去鼓勵我的乾妹妹,我告訴她說:’妹,你要在心裏默念,中獎的會是我!! ’雖然會讓人覺很白痴,不過我真的不敢相信,第一中大獎的人,竟然就是我的乾妹妹!!!大獎是一台折疊式腳踏車,當她上去領獎的時候,笑得合不攏嘴,就知道她是非常的開心,而且他也很謝謝我,因爲我有教他一個’爛招’… 接下來的是價值一万元的悠游卡(在臺灣很好用的),分爲五份,不過就是那麽衰,我們學校一個都沒中,唉唉唉唉...摸彩的活動進行了大概兩個小時,之後就是散場了,我幫妹把腳車扛去巴士(沒辦法啦,誰叫我是他哥叻 >.<'')之後在回去的路程裏,我們整班人在巴士上開卡拉ok大會,唱得我們嗓子都干透了,而且當天也是我們班上小可愛的生日,當然我們就為她唱生日歌咯,讓她開心得不得了,也讓她和她的男友合唱'老鼠愛大米',當然不會忘記讓他們合照咯,攝影師是我們的老師哦 ^^
我們的壽星妹: 麗娟

到校后把腳車組裝好, 妹還是在笑... xP
下一次出去將會是去台南的成大, 要比賽, 加油加油加油!!!

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Full of stress

Lazy to update the blog recently, these 2 weeks were totally stressful, have to attend additional classes, get on with extra activities and many things to do… And our exam is near the corner, I just can say oh my god, I’m not so good with some of the subjects, especially add maths, basic electronics and physics, others still can be handled… Sometimes I have this kind of thought in my mind, why Taiwan want to combine their electronics and IT together?? Made us so susah to get into it. >.<

These past few weeks, our class were having many tests, it is about computer hardwares and softwares, actually is was not so difficult, the only thing we need to do is to memorize the answers of every questions, but there are 700 questions, OMG!! We have this kind of test every Monday and Friday, after every tests will add 50 questions for us to continue to memorize, 2day just had our 7th test, it was just half of the journey, we still have 350 questions to memorize!! After the 4th test, my scores started to fall, no more 100%, only between 90- 98.75(because it is 1.25 points per question)…. Try to maintain the good score in the upcoming tests…

The busy days also caused me don’t have enough time to keep fit, found out that I’m getting fatter than before, my stomach also become larger.. In the class, I ate from school starts till school ends…. No need me to buy la, because my Vietnam female classmates always gave me things to eat, junk foods, biscuits, sweets, and many more… And they also gave me a new nickname, “big stomach”… haha.. sometimes its really funny when they called me this name, but I don’t mind, if they’re happy if they call me like this, I’m ok with it…

Also miss my N95 so much, sent it for repair almost 4 months already, still can’t find the problem, so upset with my friend, so trust him but he didn’t do things properly for me… Everyday say, still can’t find the problem, and he say will contact me when the phone is done, but now I can’t wait already, so I called my cousin to get the phone back from him, then maybe will call my mum to sent it for repair lo…. Maybe the problem is on the IC…. Hope will not cost too much money to repair it… I really love the camera of my N95, without it, I can’t take good pictures…. Hope that I can see it soon…

Sunday, 8 March 2009


Haiz... in the past weeks are so bz, many things to do at during class, and many things to do too after class, attend extra classes is the one dat i hate the most... sometimes many of us will fall asleep during the class, especially add maths... there is also no time for me to have sport too, very worry dat i will become fatter and fatter, sometimes so hate myself when i watch myself in the mirror, why i so like to eat?? And not little, but much... xD

Anyway, maybe will dont have much time for writing ownself blog and reading frenz blog, very miss them and hope to know how are they recently.....

Anyway, we will still stay in contact with each other, got work to do again... C Ya ^^