Sunday 25 October 2009

A 'nice' sunday...

Finally, after so many days of non-stop working and OT's (exclude my sick leaves), our company let us have a break at every Sunday(i think so..), the reason i will say like that is because our company's system is changing all the time, monday our manager tell us we can rest on saturday and sunday, then on friday, they will suddenly announce that we're having OT instead of rest on the coming weekend, and the worst thing was, our plan was totally RUINED!! i will never believe the saying of our supervisors... the word 計劃趕不上變化 can always be used on us...

Slept till 1230 today, then sitting in front of the laptop surfing the net... today felt so lonely bcs all my frenz were out early in the morning, mostly go for haircut, maybe i will have a haircut too after a few weeks... Now is have some relax 1st, later will post more! ^^

Sunday 18 October 2009

The word 'Revival' apppears again...

Well well well.... i left my blog behind too long ald, should i say busy? or lazy? My mom and frenz got told me that my blog haven't been updated for a long time ald... i gave them kinds and kinds of reason... but now, no reasons anymore, i will try to update my blog oftenly, bcs now my life is not as boring in school, having tons of happy moments in my working period, will share wif u later... Now i am a patient recovering from chicken pox and the so called 'H1N1'(luckily i dun have, just some colds and flu ^^)... will go back to the damn company on wednesday.... will later share something with you all, c ya !

Tuesday 21 July 2009

One Year

My sis's newest blog title was also 'One Year', can believe i had the same title with her....
My life in Taiwan had entered it's 1st anniversary, did i felt happy? or i feel sad? dunno how to describe my feeling now, bcs this was not important, need to pay more attention for the upcoming final exam and webpage design exam.... but sometimes i really lazy to study bout that lol...

To celebrate our 1st anniversary, we headed to a buffet restaurant to have beef steak dinner, with some of my frenz, there were from different parts of Malaysia, mostly were from Johor and Klang Valley... Seems that i've been eating overload that night, i wonder will it spoil my diet routine?Ah, whatever...

Thinking back, many qustions appeared in my mind before i board the plane:
1. What kind of life i will have when i arrived there?
2. Who will i meet?
3. How will i suit myself there?
4. Which path will i start from?
5. Where will i find the way to achieve in my life?

Still got many questions then, but lazy to type it out, some questions i already found the answers, some still dont, maybe will TIME WILL TELL .

2 years remaining... hope i will have nice life in the upcoming daylifes..

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Becoming 19 In Taiwan...

Post this so many days after my birthday, due to the upcoming exam, so need to study much, today is the last day of exam, and we just stay at school bout half day, so finally can find time to write it already.. I just can say, 1st birthday in taiwan is better than so many years of birthday in Malaysia...Why i say like dat?Usually i dont celebrate my birthday when my birthday arrive, only got 2 angpau's, one from my dad and one from my mum... also no present lol^^ (feel like a bit cham..), but still receive my frenz wishes, so the present doesn't matter...But this year's birthday was totally different, made me feel so touched!!

I received 2 presents, the 1st is from my vietnamese 'sisters', and a buddy too.... They bought me a pudding fruit cake, the candles were so special, with 1&9, luckily they didn't put the numbers in wrong orders, haha ^^ One of them lead me to the dark basketball court, say wanna gimme a surprise, at that time i can agak-agak what kind of surprise is that ald... They sang for me a birthday song, then i made 2 wishes, lastly blow the candles off.. Felt so touched that they have prepared this for me...I'm speechless when we're enjoying the cake, i only can say thank you to them, and i love them so much!!

The main and the only course - pudding fruit cake!!

1st take, without my buddy, Tuong..

He came back for the 2nd shot after auto timer was set.. Smile ^^

My second present, was an unexpected present, i only received this present today, bcs my fren DIDI said she only can gave the present to me, on Tuesday... I cant believe when i saw it, it was a pair of NIKE running shoes!!! Unfortunately the size was too small, but it's ok, i will keep it... Also very happy when i received this, because i was only kidding with DIDI that i wan a NIKE JORDAN t-shirt for my birthday, but she keep on asking me that what size my foot was, but i didn't tell her lol, bcs i'm just joking...
Besides the shoes, there is also a NIKE wrist band and a letter that comes with the shoes.., Thank You DIDI, love you!!

The 3rd present was a simple birthday card from Ya Zhi, although she felt that the card was simple, but it was so meaningful to me!! Inside the card were many cute cute de pictures and her wishes...

When i log on to my facebook profile, also received a lot of wishes that were all posted on my wall, thank you wo all my frenz for remembering my birthday, wish you all good luck and might GOD bless you all!! LOVE YOU ALL 2 :) I will remember my 19th birthday in whole of my life, a very special moment!! And Evangeline also told me that this was my last 1* birthday, the next will start with 2*....

Sunday 14 June 2009


在新倔江陪我的朋友血拼完之後,我們的最後一站就是西子灣了,第一個目的是在西子灣吃冰, 而第二個目的是搭船到旗津吃海鮮,不過海鮮沒吃到,因爲突然之間我的朋友們大多數都不要吃了,真掃興.....其實我來了西子灣那麽多次,我都很少去吃冰,因爲有間很出名的,不過每次我去的時候都人山人海,生意是好的不得了,有時人會多到連要排隊等位子的地方都沒有...幸好我們那天去世禮拜四,如果是周末時段的話肯定很難找到空的座位...









''凡呆過必留下痕跡'',在要離開之前,我們當然也會留下一些東西咯,那就是我們的大名咯!希望下次來的時候還看得到.. >.< 不要被遮住了啊!!

到我了 :)







在要離開之前,本來以爲會去吃海鮮的,不過沒想到有四個人反悔說不吃,還我們其他三個都沒心情了,真掃興... 因此,我們就再逛一會兒,再搭船回去西子灣,之後再搭接運囘大寮,由於我很累,所以就在接運上呼呼大睡了... 縂覺得這次沒吃到海鮮,有點不爽...



我們進去不是要血拼的,只是要進去吃我們的brunch(早餐和午餐合在一起應該是這樣子叫吧?),我們就到B2那裏,我們看到McD就怕死了因爲我們有幾個朋友好像吃上隱了,每次的晚餐都叫,每次都對他們說:"吃這些對身體沒有營養的!",可是他們好像都聼不進去,算了吧... 我們選到一閒叫做''高雄空廚''的餐廳, 菜單上的食物都是不同國家的,不過對我來説沒差,因爲每道都有蛋包飯,而差別只是在你是叫雞排,豬排,牛排而已...




之后我们就要离开了,在前往捷運的路途中,我看到了Mister Donut, 本来想去买的,不过刚吃饱,算了... 在這裡也介紹一下Mister Donut, 我還蠻喜歡吃的, 如果要和Dunkin Donuts 比的话, 我觉得Mister Donut会比较特别吧, 我觉得特别是在他的外貌吧!Mister Donut是日本第一的天天圈专卖店,在日本已经有超过1305间了,在其他国家也有分店,菲律賓,泰國,中國,臺灣等等,也差不多有1562家了...(我的國家不知道有沒有呢?)

有很多种系列,有时我在买的时候要想很久, 不过它的味道真的让我难忘, 吃了一次之后我就很想再吃!!有时我的朋友还骂我说我一定会肥死,每次看到吃的就马上买...不过I Dont Care, 我就是爱吃!!

比較出名的就是這兩款的,豆腐波提系列&餅乾酷樂系列, 不過口味不多,希望以後能研發更多的口味...小波提獅也很可愛!!

我們下一個地點就是新倔江了, 在逛的時候都是我的朋友的朋友在買,也只是只是那幾個牌子而已, Levi's, Nike, Adidas 這幾種而已,我朋友大多數都是買鞋子,也買了很多,只有我和另外一個朋友是手空空的... 我有看上了幾件Jordan 的衣服,不過很貴,以後才打算吧,哈哈... 要省啊!!這是現在全世界窮人一族都會做的事情

Saturday 6 June 2009



現在我很後悔,爲什麽總是那麽急要用我的左腳呢?明明就還沒完全康復我就用它來走路了,搞到現在我腳上的淤血越腫越大,今天還要拜托我的導師在放學之後帶我到鳳山去照X光,不過還好沒有耽誤到他很多時間,而且他還很好心,請我吃了檸檬香雞排。。。然後又載我回來,真的很謝謝他。。。在臺灣快一年了,這位老師就像是我們的父親,我們什麽大大小小的事都是他在處理,還到他有時沒有時間去和女朋友拍拖。。。。 老師您辛苦了!!!



Monday 1 June 2009


昨天下午難得要去籃球場舒一下筋骨,開始去是在看朋友打球的,之後就忍不住下去打了,剛打到有mood的時候, 發生了非常不幸運的事,儅我在搶籃板后要落地的時候,我的腳就扭到了,然後就腫起來了,就搞到我得坐在旁邊坐著看朋友打...真的很不爽哦

晚上的時候,我的右腳的腳踝那裏差不多腫得像蝸牛殼一樣大了,然後就拜托教管帶我去推腳...哇!! 在推的時候真的是痛死我了,忍得我真的很想打人!!結果就就和以前一樣,腳包得大大的,結果還要可憐到拿拐杖,之後的行動真的非常不方便...

就拿今天在學校的生活來説吧,今天要上學的時候,一定要下山坡,結果平時只需要不到一分鈡的時間,結果今天卻花了快五分鐘, 然後到班上的時候,好多同學都用那種怪怪的眼神看我,可能認爲爲什麽一個跛腳的人還要來上課,原因很簡單,就是我們的那個死教官不讓我留在宿舍...不過我在班上當然不會因爲我腳痛而愁眉苦臉的,反而在班上更多話講,講多一點話,也能讓我忘記我腳上的痛楚...我的乾妹妹在今天也和我開比較多的玩笑,可能是要哄我吧,不過真的很謝謝她們,也很謝謝我的室友,在我很不方便的時候他們都伸出援手,讓我非常開心能有這樣的好朋友,放心我一定會儘快好起來,然後便會以前的我!!